Meet Cute
Like all stories, let's start this one backwards. The earliest known writing was invented in 3400 BC, in an area called Sumer in the Persian Gulf. Humans have since then manoeuvred virtually every possible medium to express their ideas to the world. When we learnt that sound travels faster in water, we set up drums near water bodies to transmit messages faster. I always like talking about how our modes of communication evolved over time but maybe we don't need to go that far back to understand my motivations of having a blog.
I think I made this blog page back when I was in 5th grade. I vaguely remember the chapter in our IT textbook trying to explain this concept of putting your thoughts out there on the internet. It seemed really cool back in 2012. Now, it's just a bunch of emails from blogspot informing about deprecated features in my inbox. The point is, if any, that this website is filled with a bunch of poems and some essays that I wrote under the influence of my teenage self. I have deleted several of those ramblings but some of them have battled the ravages of time for you.
The works on this page don't serve any great purpose other than to exist and please me. I revisit this page often and stare at it with contempt. So, if you are another human who is reading this post, I regret informing you that you just might have taken the whole stalking thing a bit too far and it's not too late to turn back. However, if I fail in dissuading you, you can go ahead and critically analyse my writing while I wait for blogspot to finally take this page down someday.