Every day

Every day is the same

We start the day in the morning and end it by night

There’s too much sun in the noon

Not so much at twilight

And we have given these names

Like seconds, minutes, hours and days

As if we have tamed the time

And learnt its ways 

Because you see, time is infinite

But we can’t understand things beyond a limit

So we clubbed Sixty tick-tocks together

And called them a minute

Then those minutes combined in a similar fashion

And a new word was announced

Which nobody knew how to pronounce

It sounded like letter r,

And it belonged to us

So we called it an ‘hour’ 

Now in this whole business of making time run

We wanted to involve earth, moon and sun

And i know it might seem like an anomaly

But nothing enraptures public like space and astronomy

So we said, if axis is a stand

And the earth is a cake

Then for one spin, a day is 

the numbers of hours it will take

But you see, a single day was lonely

So we gave it a family

We said, when seven of these days are together

They are not alone

They are strong

So we’ll call them a week.

Now there’s this dilemma about days of the week


Who even decided to call it Sunday

When there’s sun every day!

And I KNOW Mondays are boring

But who cares, it isn’t today

And lets not talk about the other days

We know, they are just a phase

That lead back to Sunday

And its stupid name

How lame!

We didn’t know to do with these endless days and weeks

So to mathematics, we surrender

We give each day a number 

called date, Like a fruit or a dinner

And then like a nerd, we put these numbers 

on a piece of paper

And draw boxes and lines 

and call it a calendar

don’t even get me started on Gregorian and Roman

I haven’t met anyone who knew the difference between the two.

No one.

And before you complain about month and year

Let me tell you something clear

There really is no need to know this stuff

Knowing these numbers and names is no bluff

Why? Because

Every day is the same

We start the day in the morning and end it by night

There’s too much sun in the noon

Not so much at twilight

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